In today's rough market sales is a very tough business to be in and those who are going to succeed need
to have every edge and tool they can get. Your own personal web site is a very powerful and professional way to acheive
Just imagine how great it would be to have your current and prospective customers to be able to go right
on your web site. We know that to get something like this may have seemed out of reach and too expensive for you personally
to have, but here at TNJ Consulting we make this very affordable and customize it to whatever your needs and wants are. Whatever
you want on your site, we will put there. We will also come to you and give you the one on one service you deserve.
We will even do all the updates and monitoring of your site for you, or we will gladly train you on how to do it yourself.
There are numerous ways you can use this to your advantage.
We all know that there are some people who just get intimidated walking into your showroom or office.
Your site will alleviate this stress the customer has. They can already see what you look like and know a little about you
just from your site.
Here are just a few ideas you may want to include in your OWN PERSONAL WEB SITE:
- Pictures of yourself
- Pictures of the facility you work at
- Pictures of your happy customers
- A little biography of who you are
- Weekly specials
- Pictures of the products you have to offer
- Your own personal listings
These are just a few ideas but really the sky is the limit and it is 100% up to you what you want on